Producing Animation vs. Live Action: Key Differences | LA Comic Con Panel
What are the main differences between producing animation and live-action films? Our panel dives into the unique challenges and rewards of each, sharing insights from their work on The Arbiters and beyond. A must-watch for filmmakers across both mediums!
Watch the full LA Comic Con panel, The Film Animation Process: From Concept to Screen (LA Comic Con 2024 Panel), at This session features:
• Moderator: Candice Cruz (@CandiceCruz)
• Panelists: A’storia Hill (@astoriaehill), Sara Stretton (@sarastretton), Phil Svitek (@PhilSvitek), Keoki Trask (@KeokiTrask), and John Comerford
• Photographer: Marisa Serafini (@SerafiniTV)
• Videographer: John Coleman (@OfficialJohnColeman)
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